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Ratchet tensioner
  No. Description
    Ratchet tensioner
MB 338.200 Tensioner right - hand, B = 40 mm, european production
MB 338.300 Tensioner left-hand, B= 40 mm, european production
  MB 335.410 Tensioner 140x80mm, right-hand like the drawing
  MB 335.420 Ternsioner 140x80mm, left-hand
MB 332.000 ratchet tensioner, right Please
also order crank!
MB 332.100 ratchet tensioner, left Please
also order crank!
MB 042.339 lever for ratchet tensioner
332.000 / 332.100
MB 338.920 ratchet tensioner, right - w=5mm
with extending round shaft,
MB 338.940 ratchet tensioner, left - w=45mm
with extending round shaft,
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